Mayor Tara Tennis Begins Her Term

Newell News

By Betty Bruner

NEWELL-Newly elected Mayor Tara Tennis began her incumbency at the May 13 meeting of the Newell Commission. She was sworn in by Sheriff Fred Lamphere to begin her official duties as the first elected female mayor in Newell’s 100+ year history.

One of the first orders of business was to fill the vacated commissioner seat left by the resignation of Tiffany Tennis. There were two letters of interest read and discussed, with Lila Taton receiving the nod to fill the position.

The office staff of Butte Meade Sanitary Water District was appointed as interim Finance Officers to work with the mayor. It was set as a short-term arrangement until a regular Finance Officer can be found. Linda Velder and Judy Heisler are both helping in the city office to keep things running.

With the new commissioner, Department Heads were rearranged as follows:

Finance and Revenue-Taton

Public Works-Youngberg

Public Safety-Olson


Museum and Library-Adams


Council President-Lorrie Olson

The second reading of Resolution 02-2024 was done. The approved resolution changes the water and sewer rates as follows:

Water Rates-Minimum water rate-$21.01 per month for residential and commercial usage. An additional rate of $4 per thousand (1,000) gallons of water will be assessed each month.

A surcharge of $7.60 and $6.31d to each property that has access to city water will apply. The surcharge of $3.26 will be discontinued. Bulk water rates are $7 per thousand gallons, i.e. used by fire departments, etc. through the fire hydrants.

Sewer Rates-Minimum sewer rate is $16.90 per month for residential and commercial usage. An additional rate of $4 per thousand (1,000) gallons of waste water will be assessed each month.

A building permit was granted to Dustin Erickson to build a 30 x 30-foot garage on his property at 218 Dartmouth. Although his plans show that the structure would be set at 15’ from the alley and city ordinance states setbacks should be 25’, the commissioners decided that it was within reason to allow since other nearby structures are not 25’ from the alley.

Mark Lawler had several questions for the commissioners concerning his property. Presently, he has two RVs on the lot that his family uses occasionally when coming into Newell to work on the property. Since he is not using the RVs as a residency, he is allowed to keep them parked on his lots. He also will be allowed to have a shipping container to use as storage. As he moves forward with building plans, he will be in contact with Public Works Superintendent Verl Tifft to make decisions on a driveway and setbacks for planting trees.

Four Malt Beverage and SD Farm Wine licenses were renewed for area businesses. 212/79, Berry’s Bunkhouse, 26 Bar Holding’s LLC (High Plains), and Dvorak Convenience Store will continue to sell these beverages in Newell.

Craig Douthit was selected to serve on the Newell Museum Board of Directors. Current Board members are Doug Parrow, Annitta Stolack, Lynette Culver, Beverly Eide, and Craig Douthit. Linda Velder is the museum curator.

An irrigation line will be placed to run down the alley on the eastside of Dartmouth between 4th and 5th Streets. Tifft explained that presently an irrigation line runs on the surface and needs to be buried for the property owners. The work can be done by city workers at the cost of approximately $860.

Several items that had been declared as surplus in 2020 will be put on auction. The date for the auction will be in the near future.

During Public Comments several ideas were brought forward. The time and place for the regular monthly meeting was discussed with suggestions for a later time, different day, and different meeting place. The commissioners mentioned that they wanted to with to see what the school board decided.

A citizen suggested that the town needs a Planning and Zoning Committee that would come to the regular meetings with recommendations. The committee would be more familiar with ordinances and laws to discuss with the rest of the commission.

Owner of Midwestern Meats, Ryan Dennis, asked about regulations to put up an incinerator behind his locker plant. The incinerator would be approximately 12’ x 20’ on a concrete pad. Dennis said that it should pose no problem since there is no odor, no smoke and is not huge. A fence would be erected between the locker and the Mennonite School. He received the go-ahead from the commission to pursue the idea.

The next regular meeting takes place on June 10 at 5 p.m. in the City Offices.

Photos by Betty Bruner

Newell elected mayor Tara Tennis repeats her oath as it administered by Sheriff Fred Lamphere.

Lila Taton is seated as the newest Newell Commissioner as she takes the Oath of Office administered by Mayor Tara Tennis.